Childhood Pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu


Resting on a Snake’s back


One day while Nimai was crawling upon His knees, a snake slithered through the courtyard. The Lord caught hold of it, simply to enact another pastime. The snake then coiled and the Lord lied down on the snake’s back. When the residents of the house saw Him they screamed, but the Lord calmly smiled and remained upon the snake looking very relaxed. The people shouted while Nimai’s parents waited in anxiety. The snake, who was actually, Lord Ananta Sesha (the resting couch of Lord Narayana), started to slither away when He heard all the crying and commotion. Little Nimai tried to stop Him but the ladies rushed over and gathered up Nimai into their arms. Some relatives tied a talisman upon Nimai for his protection, while some chanted benefice mantras and others poured Ganga water on different parts of His body. Some of them thought that the child had received a new life, while others realized that the snake was actually Ananta Sesha.


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