Surrender unto the Supreme

 Surrender unto the Supreme


Narada Muni quotes from the instructions that the nine Yogendras imparted to Maharaja Nimi, maya is defined as “forgetfulness of one’s relationship with Krsna.” Actually, maya means “that which is not.” Thus it is false to think that the living entity has no connection with the Supreme Lord. He may not believe in the existence of God, or he may think he has no relationship with God, but these ideas are all illusions, or maya. Due to absorption in this false conception of life, a man is always fearful and full of anxieties. In other words, maya is the godless concept of life. One who is actually learned in the Vedic literature surrenders unto the Supreme Lord with great devotion and accepts Him as the supreme goal. When a living entity forgets the constitutional nature of his relationship with God, he is at once overwhelmed by the external energy. This is the cause of his false ego, his false identification of the body with the self. Indeed, his whole conception of the material universe arises from this false identification with the body, for he becomes attached to the body and its by-products. To escape this entanglement, he has only to perform his duty, namely, to surrender unto the Supreme Lord with intelligence, with devotion and with sincere Krsna consciousness.

Teaching of Lord Chaitanya / Chapter 4 



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