hari he!
para-tattwa bicaksana, vyasa adi muni-gana,
sastra bicariya bar bar
prabhu taba nitya-rupa, guna-sila anurupa,
tomar caritra sudha-sar
Oh my Lord! All the great sages headed by Shrila Vyasadeva are most experienced regarding the transcendental truth. This is because they discuss and deliberate on the revealed scriptures again and again. Thereby they manifest these sacred books which reveal Your eternal personal form abounding in all virtuous qualities, and Your divine activities which are the essence of ambrosial nectar.
suddha-sattva-mayi lila, mukhya-sastre prakasila,
jiver kusala su-bidhane
rajas-tamo-guna-andha, asura-prakrti manda-
jane taha bujhite na jane
Your eternal pastimes of pure transcendental goodness are described in these principal scriptures for the welfare of all souls. However, those unfortunate ones who are blinded by the material modes of passion and ignorance, who harbor the nature of demons, and who are foolish and dull-minded cannot understand Your divine form or pastimes which are depicted in all these scriptures.
nahi mane nitya-rupa, bhajiya manduka-kupa,
rahe tahe udasina pray
e bhaktibinoda gay, ki durdaiva hay hay,
hari-dasa hari nahi pay
Those who live in this universe but are not interested in Your eternal form remain completely oblivious, just like ignorant frogs who live in a small, shallow well. Now Bhaktivinoda sings, alas! What an unfortunate situation has arisen here! The eternal servants of Hari are not serving their eternal Lord Hari!
(Gitamala /Song 3/ Bhaktivinoda Thakura )
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