

vasudevasutaḿ devaḿ kaḿsa-cāṇūra-mardanam

devakī-paramānandaḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum



atasīpuṣpa sańkāśaḿ hāranūpura śobhitam

ratnakańkaṇakeyūraḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum



kuṭilālaka saḿyuktaḿ pūrṇacandra nibhānanam

vilasat kuṇḍaladharaḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum



mandāra ganda saḿyuktaḿ cāru hāsaḿ caturbhujam

birhi piñcāvacūḍāńgaḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum



utpulla padmapatrāakṣaḿ nīlajīmuta sannibham

yādavānāḿ śiroratnaḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum



rukmiṇīkelisaḿyuktaḿ pītāmbara suśobhitam

avāpta tulasīgandhaḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum



gopikānāḿ kucadvandva kuńkumāńkita vakṣasam

śrīniketaḿmaheṣvāsaḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum



śrīvatsāńkaḿ mahoraskaḿ vanamālā virājitam

sańka cakra dharaḿ devaḿ kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagadgurum



kṛṣṇāṣṭakam idaḿ puṇyaḿ prātarutthāya yaḥ paṭhet

koṭi janma kṛtaḿ pāpaḿ  smaraṇena svinaṣyati



1) I worship Lord Krsna, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who is the son of Vasudeva, Who is the Lord, Who killed Kamsa and Canura, and Who is the bliss of Devaki.


2) I worship Lord Krsna, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who is surrounded by flowers, Who is adorned with a garland and anklets, and Who has gem-studded necklace and arm-bracelet.


3) I worship Lord Krsna, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who is adorned with curly locks of hair, Who has a face resplendent like full-moon, and Who has shining earrings.


4) I worship Lord Krsna, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who is with the perfume of Mandara (a coral tree flower), Who has beautiful smile, Who has four hands (as Visnu), and Who has peacock feather at the forehead.


5) I worship Lord Krsna, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who has eyes like blooming lotus flower, Who resembles a new blue cloud, and Who is the best in the dynasty of Yadu.


6) I worship Lord Krsna, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who plays with Rukmini (Laksmi), Who is adorned with yellow-robes, and Who has obtained Tulasi perfume.


7) I worship Lord Krsna, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who has the marks of saffron from the dual-breasts of the cowherdesses, Who is the abode of Laksmi (Sri), and Who has mighty arrows.


8) I worship Lord Krsna, Who is the spiritual master of the universe, Who has the sign of ‘‘Srivatsa’’ at His broad-chest, Who has a flower-garland, and Who holds a conch and a discus.


9) Having awakened in the morning, those who study these blissful prayers glorifying Sri Krsna, destroy their sins of millions from birth.


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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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