Shri Radha-Kundashtakam


Shri Radha-Kundashtakam

Shrila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami

Text 1

vrishabha-danuja-nashan narma-dharmokti-rangair
nikhila-nija-sakhibhir yat sva-hastena purnam
prakatitam api vrindaranya-rajnya pramodais
tad ati-surabhi-radha-kundam evashrayo me

After the killing of Arishtasura, Shrimati Radhika and Her sakhis exchanged many joking words with Shri Krishna concerning the necessary atonement for one who has committed the offence of killing a bull. As a result, the Queen of Vrindavana, Shrimati Radhika, and Her sakhis joyfully excavated and filled Shri Radha-kunda with their own hands. May that immensely fragrant Radha-kunda be my shelter.

Text 2

vraja-bhuvi mura-shatroh preyasinam nikamair
asulabham api turnam prema-kalpa-drumam tam
janayati hridi bhumau snatur uccaih priyam yat
tad ati-surabhi-radha-kundam evashrayo me

In the land of the hearts of those who bathe in Radha-kunda, a desire tree of the superlative prema, which is not attainable even for Krishna’s principal queens in Dvaraka, will arise. May that supremely charming Radha-kunda be my shelter.

Text 3

agha-ripur api yatnad atra devyah prasadaprasara-
krita-kataksha-prapti-kamah prakamam
anusarati yad uccaih snana-sevanu-bandhais
tad ati-surabhi-radha-kundam evashrayo me

For the pleasure of Shrimati Radhika, even Shri Krishna Himself, yearning to attain Her merciful sidelong glance, regularly bathes in Radha-kunda, carefully observing all the appropriate rituals. May that supremely enchanting Radha-kunda be my shelter.

Text 4

vraja-bhuvana-sudhamshoh prema-bhumir nikamam
paricitam api namna yac ca tenaiva tasyas
tad ati-surabhi-radha-kundam evashrayo me

May that supremely enchanting Radha-kunda, which the moon of Vraja, Shri Krishna, loves as much as He loves the crown-jewel amongst the sweet girls of Vraja, Shrimati Radhika, and which He has made known by the name of Radhika Herself, be my shelter.

Text 5

api jana iha kashcid yasya seva-prasadaih
pranaya-sura-lata syat tasya goshthendra-sunoh
sapadi kila mad-isha-dasya-pushpa-prashasya
tad ati-surabhi-radha-kundam evashrayo me

The mercy obtained by serving Radha-kunda makes the desire-creeper of prema for the prince of Vraja sprout and is celebrated for bearing the flower of service to my svamini Shrimati Radhika. May that supremely charming Radha-kunda be my shelter.

Text 6

tata-madhura-nikunjah klpta-namana uccair
nija-parijana-vargaih samvibhajyashritas taih
madhukara-ruta-ramya yasya rajanti kamyas
tad ati-surabhi-radha-kundam evashrayo me

Gloriously manifest on the banks of Radha-kunda are eight kunjas named after Radhika’s principal sakhis.* Filled with the sweet humming of bumblebees, these kunjas act as stimuli for the amorous pastimes of the Divine Couple. The lotus feet of that Radhika, who sends Krishna to enjoy in all the different kunjas, are desired by everyone. May that supremely enchanting Radha-kunda be the shelter of my life.

*On the eastern bank is the kunja known as Citra-sukhada, on the southeastern side is Indulekhasukhada, on the southern bank is Campakalata-sukhada, on the southwestern side is Rangadevi- sukhada, on the western bank is Tungavidya-sukhada, on the northwestern side is Sudevi- sukhada, on the northern bank is Lalita-sukhada, and on the northeastern side is the kunja known as Vishakha-sukhada.

Text 7

tata-bhuvi vara-vedyam yasya narmati-hridyam
madhura-madhura-vartam goshtha-candrasya bhangya
prathayati mitha isha prana-sakhyalibhih sa
tad ati-surabhi-radha-kundam evashrayo me

Situated on an exquisite dais on the bank of Radha-kunda and accompanied by Her beloved sakhis, our svamini Shrimati Radhika charmingly engages in sweet, joking words with Shri Krishna, the moon of Vraja. These playful verbal exchanges are enhanced by the suggestion of so many innuendoes. May that Radha-kunda be the shelter of my life.

Text 8

anudinam ati-rangaih prema-mattali-sanghair
vara-sarasija-gandhair hari-vari-prapurne
viharata iha yasmin dampati tau pramattau
tad ati-surabhi-radha-kundam evashrayo me

May that very charming and especially fragrant Radha-kunda, where intoxicated with love the Divine Couple and the sakhis daily cavorts with great joy in the water so fragrant with exquisite lotus flowers, be the sole shelter of my life.

Text 9

avikalam ati devyash caru kundashtakam yah
paripathati tadiyollasi-dasyarpitatma
aciram iha sharire darshayaty eva tasmai
madhu-ripur ati-modaih shlishyamanam priyam tam

To that devotee who, in a resolute mood of aspiring to serve Shrimati Radhika, reads this charming prayer describing Shri Radha-kunda, even in their present body Shri Krishna will quickly grant them darshana of not only His beloved Radhika, but also of Their many variegated amorous pastimes. Witnessing these pastimes and envisioning himself serving Yugala-kishora in various ways, such a devotee will feel immense jubilation.

(This ashtaka is recited in the poetic meter known as “Malini.”)

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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