Tuesday 18 January 2022




By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Rupa Gosvami says auspicity means that which spreads for everyone, in all parts of the world. That is auspicity. Not partial. In politics or sociology or humanitarian activities, there is partiality for a certain section of human being, or certain section of living beings. But this chanting of Hare Krishna mantra, awakening of dormant Krishna consciousness, is meant for all living entities. Even birds, beasts, insects, they can also awaken. This is the recommendation of Haridasa Thakura – that if we chant loudly, the trees will hear, the birds will hear, the insect will hear, and they will be liberated. Therefore chanting of Hare Krishna mantra and awakening of dormant Krishna consciousness is the auspicious, welfare activity, for every living entity all over the world.


Unity and Peace is possible only when everyone accepts Krishna, or God as the Supreme Enjoyer

At the present moment, groups of people are engaged in welfare activities in terms of society, community or nation. There is even an attempt in the form of the United Nations for world-help activity. But due to the shortcomings of limited national activities, such a general mass welfare program for the whole world is not practically possible. The Krishna consciousness movement, however, is so nice that it can render the highest benefit to the entire human race. Everyone can be attracted by this movement, and everyone can feel the result. Now the human welfare activities are now developed in the form of United Nations. They are trying for the last twenty years, but still, even the nations have not become united, what to speak of other welfare activities.

prabhupada delivering lecture

His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

It is just a comparison, a little comparison, but this Krishna consciousness movement was started, practically, from 1967. I went there in 1965, and for one year I could not do anything. In 1966 this movement was registered in New York, and from 1966 it is spreading. So within four or five years it has spread all over the world. We have got branches in every part of the globe. And at least, people know there is a movement, Krishna consciousness, and we are welcome everywhere as Krishna conscious people. Our name is “Hare Krishna People.” So people may take note of it that within a short period, it has spread so widely. In comparison to United Nations, what we are? We have no money. We have no means. We have no influence. We have no government support. Nothing of the sort. But still, it is spreading.

yad yad acarati srestha lokas tad anuvartate, tat tat eva itarah janah [Bg. 3.21]: According to this formula (of the Bhagavad Gita), if the leaders of the society takes this movement little seriously… They should take, because this is the only movement which can bring in peace and prosperity and happiness to the whole human society.

People are after śānti (peace). This is the formula of śānti: We have to accept Krishna as the Supreme Enjoyer. Not – “We are enjoyer”. At the present moment, all our activities are going on, self-centered: “I am enjoyer. I am leader. I am bhokta.” No. This is wrong. Krishna is bhokta (enjoyer). Krishna is leader. Krishna is the friend. Krishna is the proprietor. That is Krishna consciousness. This news, this idea, should be spread all over the world. Then automatically, very easily, all the nations will be united.

Because Krishna consciousness acceptance means ceto-darpana-marjanam [cleaning the heart]. The difficulty is the members in the United Nations, they assemble together, but their heart is not clean. They meet together with unclean hearts; therefore there is no solution. Whereas Krishna consciousness means those who are meeting on the platform of Krishna consciousness, they are meeting in cleansed heart. That is the difference. Therefore that unity is very solid and sound. And with unclean heart, if we meet, officially, there is no possibility of unity. United Nations, it may be, in the name, but in fact, in fact it cannot be established.

Therefore, the chanting of Hare Krishna mantra and awakening of dormant Krishna consciousness are the auspicious, welfare activities, for every living entity all over the world.

[An excerpt from a lecture delivered on the “The Nectar of Devotion” in Vrindavana on Nov 8, 1972]

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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