Vedic Knowledge
1.What is amnaya?
Amnaya is Vedic literature consisting of spiritual knowledge received through disciplic succession coming from Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe.
(Sri Manah-siksd Verse 2)
2.What are the basic teachings of Sri Caitanyadeva?
Sri Hari is the Supreme Absolute Truth. He is Omnipotent. He is the nectarean ocean of transcendental mellows. The living entities are His separated parts and parcels. The conditioned souls are controlled by mdya, whereas the liberated souls are free from mdya. Both the spiritual and material worlds are simultaneously one with and different from Sri Hari. Devotional service is the only way to obtain the goal of life, and love of God is the ultimate goal of life.(Sajjana-tosani 9/9)
3.What are the ten principal teachings?
(1)Vedic statements are the only evidence.
(2)Lord Hari is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
(3)He is omnipotent.
(4)He is the reservoir of transcendental mellows, and His abode is the spiritual sky.
(5)Living entities are unlimited spiritual spark, parts and parcels of Krsna, and they are of two kinds: eternally conditioned and eternally liberated.
(6)Maya conditions living entities who are averse to Krsna.
(7)Pure devotees of the Lord are free from maya.
(8)The living entities and the material world are produced from the Lord's inconceivable potency, and they are simultaneously one with and different from the Lord.
(9)The nine types of devotional service to Krsna are the only process to achieve the goal of life.
(10)Love of Krsna is the ultimate goal of life.
4.Is the Absolute Truth one or many?
The Absolute Truth is one without a second, tattvam ekam evadvitiyam.(Amndya-sutra 2)
5.Where do we find the teachings of Sri Caitanya?
The teachings of Sri Mahaprabhu are properly described in two books. The teachings regarding the Absolute Truth are described in Sri Brahma-samhita, and the teachings regarding bhajana are described in Krsna-karnamrta.
{Krsna-karnamrta Introduction)
6.What is the purpose of the Vedas?
Vedic literature teaches one to engage in pure devotional service. According to the nature and qualification of its so-called followers, Vedic literature has recommended various processes such as karma and jnana. Due to the faults of these followers, various opinions have cropped up. Actually, the Vedas are the only evidence and the instructing spiritual master of mankind. On account of misinterpretation, various opinions other than pure devotional service have been preached. {Bhagavatarka-marici mala 1-6)
7.What is transcendental literature?
If a blind person guides another person, both of them fall into a ditch; similarly the mundane authors and their blind followers are misguided and regrettable. The Vedas and literature in pursuance of the Vedas are to be understood as transcendental literature.
(Caitanya-siksamrta 1/2)
8.What are the Vedas?
It is not that if one gets a book of Vedas from anywhere, it should be accepted everywhere. Whatever the dcdryas of the authorized sampraddyas have accepted as Vedas, we should accept, and whatever they have rejected as false, we should reject. (Jaiva Dharma Chapter 13)
9.What is the difference between the teachings of Sri Caitanya and the teachings of Bhagavad-gitd, Srimad Bhdgavatam, Pancardtras, and Vedas?
Bhagavad-gitd, known as Gitopanisad, was spoken by the Lord and is therefore Vedas. The ten principal truths taught and spoken by Sri Gaurahga are also Vedas. Srimad-Bhdgavatam, the essence of all Vedic literature, is the crest jewel among all evidence. If the statements of other revealed scriptures follow the teachings of the Vedas, they are also evidence. The Tantras are of three types: sattvika, rdjasika, and tdmasika. Since the sattvika-tantras, such as the Pahcaratra, preach the confidential purport of the Vedas, they are also evidence. {Jaiva Dharma Chapter 13)
10. What is the necessity of a perpetual disciplic succession?
No book is without errors. God's revelation is Absolute Truth, but it is rarely received and preserved in its original purity. Truth that has been revealed is absolute, but over the course of time, it becomes tainted by the nature of the receivers, and from age to age, it is transformed by the continual change of hands. New revelations, therefore, are continuously necessary to keep truth in its original purity.
(The Bhagavat: Its Philosophy, Its Ethics & Its Theology)
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