Saturday 5 June 2021

Apara Ekadasi


Apara Ekadasi, which occurs during the waning moon in the month of May/June, are described in the Brahmanda Purana in the conversation between Lord Krsna and Mahārāja Yudhisthira.

Once Mahārāja Yudhisthira asked of Lord Krsna, "O Lord Krsna, O Janārdana, what is the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the waning moon in the month of May/June and what are its glories? Please describe all this to Me."

Lord Krsna replied, "O Mahārāja Yudhisthira, you have asked Me an intelligent question that is actually beneficial for everyone. The name of this Ekādasi is Apara. O King! This Ekadasi awards a tremendous amount of piety to those who observe it and destroys all their sinful reactions. By observing this Aparā Ekādasi many grave sinful activities are destroyed such as killing a brahmana, killing a cow, killing an embryo through abortion, criticizing others, illicit sex life, speaking lies, giving false witness, bragging to others, reciting or teaching the Vedas for the sake of money, and concocting one's own scripture. A cheater, a pseudo astrologer, and a cheating physician are also as sinful as those who give false witness. All these sinful activities are totally eradicated by observ ing this Apară Ekādasī. Any ksatriya who gives up his profession and runs away from the battlefield certainly falls down from his occupational duties and goes to hell. If such a person observes this Ekadasi with faith he also attains the heavenly planet.

Lord Krsna continued, "O King! A disciple who after receiv ing knowledge from his spiritual master engages in blaspheming his spiritual master certainly accumulates great sins. Such a con demned sinful person can be relieved from his sinful reactions by following the Apara Ekadasi and can attain the supreme destina tion. O King of Kings! The result one obtains by taking bath three times at Pushkar in the month of Kartika, the piety one accumu lates by taking bath at Prayaga in the month of January when the sun enters Capricorn, the results one obtains by observing the vow of Sivaratri at Käsi and by offering oblations at the lotus feet of Vişnu at Gaya, and the auspicious results one obtains by taking bath in the river Gautami when the planet Jupiter enters Leo, by visiting Kedarnatha during Kumbha-mela, by visiting and worship ing Badrinatha, by taking bath at Kuruksetra during a solar eclipse, and by giving elephants, horses, cows, gold and land in charity are all obtained easily by observing the vow of Aparā Ekādasī. It is like the sharp axe for cutting down the tree of sinful activities and like a blazing forest fire for burning the fuel of sinfu! activities to ashes. It is like the brilliant sun for dissipating the darkness born of sinful activities and like the lion to a deer in the forest of sinful activities. O King! By observing this Aparā Ekādasī and worshiping Lord Vişnu in His form as Trivikram, a person attains the all-auspicious abode of Lord Vişnu. Anyone who hears or reads the glories of this Ekādasi, that I have described to you for the benefit of everyone, is relieved of all his sinful reactions."

Hare Krishna 🙏

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Vrindavana Dasa Thakura – Biography


Vrindavana Dasa Thakura – Biography

vedavyaso ya evasid daso vrindavano’dhuna

sakha yah kusumapidah karyatas tam samavishat


Vedavyasa became Vrindavan Das Thakur. Krishna’s friend Kusumapida also entered into him for special purposes. (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 109)


Vedavyasa described Krishna-lila in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Non-different from Vyasa, Vrindavan Das described Mahaprabhu’s lila in his Chaitanya Bhagavat. His book was first called Chaitanya Mangala, but when Locana Das gave the same name to his biography of the Lord, it was dubbed “Chaitanya Bhagavat”.


Vrindavan Das’s Mother, Narayani


Vrindavan Das was born on the Krishna-dvadashi of the month of Vaishakh in 1429 of the Shaka era (1507 AD). Some say he was born in Mamgachi in the Nabadwip area, others say his birthplace was in Kumarahatta. His father was Vaikunthanatha Vipra, who originally came from Sylhet (Sylhet), his mother Narayani Devi. Narayani was the daughter of Srivasa Pandit’s elder brother, Shrinalina Pandit. Kavi Karnapura has also mentioned her name in his Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika:


ambikayah svasa yasin namna shrila-kilimbika

krishnocchishtam prabhuïjana seyam narayani mata


Kilimbika, who used to eat Krishna’s remnants, was the younger sister of Krishna’s nurse Ambika (Srivasa’s wife, Malini). In Mahaprabhu’s lila, she became Narayani.


Narayani also achieved fame because she received Gaurasundara’s mercy when he gave her his remnants. When the Lord displayed his divine form in the Mahaprakasha in Srivasa Angan, Narayani was only a small child of four, but the Lord made her intoxicated with the ecstasy of prema. Whether born in Mamagachi or in Kumarahatta, Vrindavan Das later lived in the village of Denuria, within the Matreshvara precinct of Burdwan district. Thus Denuria is considered to be his Shripata. He spent some of his childhood with his mother in Mamagachi, at the home of his maternal grandparents where Narayani was married. Vrindavan Das’s Gaura-Nitai deities are still worshiped at the Mamagachi home. When his father died, he and his mother moved to Srivasa’s house where he received Mahaprabhu’s special blessings.



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