Sunday 10 October 2021

Lord Caitanya delivered crocodile by chanting holy names!


Lord Caitanya delivered crocodile by chanting holy names!

Once, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came with devotees to a lake.
The lake is in Nabadwip Dham, near Godrumdwip—when we go on parikrama, you can see that place.
Mahaprabhu offered the devotees, “Let’s sit by the lake,” but one of the cowherd men of that area told Him, “Do not go there! A crocodile lives in that lake.Even the cows are afraid and do not drink water from that lake.”
Mahaprabhu already knew everything, and hearing the words of the cowherd man, He started chanting.
When the crocodile heard Mahaprabhu chanting the Holy Name, it turned into a dev-sisu, a child god.
The boy paid obeisance to Mahaprabhu and started to cry. Mahaprabhu asked him why he was crying, and the boy told Him everything—what had happened and how he became a crocodile.
It happened four ages ago, during Satya-yuga.
At that time, there was a forest near Vrindavan called Kamyavan.
Once, when Durvasa Muni was sleeping in that forest, childishly the boy decided to played a naughty prank on him—he cut his sikha.
Durvasa Muni became very angry and said, “I am giving you a curse. You will become a crocodile and stay as a crocodile in a pond for four ages. When the Lord Himself comes in Kali-yuga as Gauranga Mahaprabhu, He will come to that pond and chant the Holy Name. By the power of the Holy Name you will get benefit and your curse will be removed—you will get your form back.”
The child god concluded his story, “Just now You have chanted the Holy Name and I have got my form back—You rescued me from the crocodile’s body. You gave me Your mercy, and I am happy. Now with Your permission I would like to go back to my parents.”
You can understand from this story the power of the Holy Name. Always chant the Holy Name, wherever you are—there are no rules or regulation.
You will see what the Holy Name is and that the Name can even remove big-big diseases… Always chant the Holy Name—it is the dharma, the religion of Kali-yuga.

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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Birth appearance at midnight of Śravana k8 (July 19/20, year 3228 BC) to Devaki

-taken by Vasudeva from Mathura to Nanda and Yasoda in Gokula

Untill 3 years

-lived in Gokula

-killed Pūtana, Śakatāsura, Trinavarta demons

3-6 years

-moved to Vrndāvana

-killed Bakasura, Aghăsura, Dhenuka (Balarama killed Pralamba)

-moved to Nandagrăma

7-10 years

-Brahma steals and retums cowherd boys


-played rasa-lila with the gopis

-invited to Mathura for wrestling match

-killed Canūra (Balarama killed Mustika)

-killed Kamsa (Balarama killed his brothers)

10-28 years

-lived in Mathura

-intlated with Balarama into chanting Gayatri by Gargamun!

-Instructed with Balarama in the sixty four arts by Sandipan! Muni

-protects Mathura from many demons

29 - 125 years

-establishes kingdom in Dvärakā

-marriage to Rukmini and 7 principal queens

-marriage to 16,100 princesses

-161,080 sons born to Krsna

-speaks Bhagavad-gita at Kuruksetra Battle (~90) (3138 BC)

-saves King Parīksit in the womb

-Instructs Uddhava

125 years

-Disappearance on February 18th 3102 BC

Start of Kali Yuga 

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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