Thursday 25 November 2021

Have you seen God ?


The Sinful Soul Fit for Punishment


hari he!
heno dusta karma nai, jaha ami kori nai,
sahasra sahasra-bara hari!
sei saba karma-phal, peye abasara bal,
amay pisiche jantropari

Oh my dear Lord Hari! There are no sinful activities which I have not performed thousands upon thousands of times! And by the fruits of all these sinful actions, I have become robbed of all strength, being helplessly taken for an excruciatingly painful ride on the machine of this material world.


gati nahi dekhi ar, kande, hari, anibar,
tomar agrete ebe ami
ja' tomar hoy mane, danda deo akincane,
tumi mor danda-dhara swami

Having no other hope for deliverance in sight, I am now continuously crying before You, my Lord! Please punish Your insignificant servant as You see befitting, for You are my Lord and ruling Master.


klesa-bhoga bhagye jata, bhoga mor hao tata,
kintu ek mama nibedana
je je dasa bhoga ami, amake na chado swami,
bhaktibinoder prana-dhana

I will gladly endure whatever misery that destiny has in store for me, but I have just one appeal to make to You: My dear Lord, no matter what calamity I must undergo, please promise that You will never forsake me, for You are the only treasure of Bhaktivinoda's life.

(Song 9/ Gitamala/ Bhaktivinoda Thakura) 

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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A Glimpse of His Lotus Feet


hari he!
bhramite samsara-bane, kabhu daiva-samghatane,
kon-mate kon bhagyavan
taba pada uddesiya, thake krtanjali haya,
eka-bar ohe bhagavan

Oh my Lord Hari! While wandering about in the forest of this material world, some fortunate soul may be able to get a glimpse of Your lotus feet just once, by some unseen influence of destiny, and receives that vision of Your lotus feet with folded hands, oh Bhagavan!


sei-ksane ta'r jata, amangala hoy hata,
su-mangala hoy pusta ati
ar nahi ksaya hoy, krame ta'r subhodoy,
ta're deya sarvottama-gati

At that very moment all inauspiciousness becomes dissipated, and he very much relishes the nourishment of divine auspiciousness. This never decreases, for You gradually awaken his eternal well-being by bestowing upon such a fortunate soul the topmost goal of life.


emon doyalu tumi, emon durbhaga ami,
kabhu na korinu paranama
taba pada-padma prati, na jane e dusta-mati,
bhaktibinoder parinama

Thus You are such a magnanimous Lord, but I am such an ill-fated soul, for I have never offered my respectful obeisances unto Your lotus feet. And now Bhaktivinoda cannot comprehend the outcome of his wicked mentality.

(Song 13 / Gitamala / by Bhaktivinoda Thakura)

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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