Sunday 12 September 2021

Glories of Srimathi Radharani


Glories of Srimathi Radharani


Glories of Srimathi Radharani


Glories of Srimathi Radharani


Glories of Srimathi Radharani


Glories of Srimathi Radharani







uttuńga-sauhṛda-viśeṣa-vaśāt pragalbhāḿ

devīḿ guṇaiḥ sulalitāḿ lalitāḿ namāmi




śriyaḿ cakita-cāru-camūru-netrām


devīḿ guṇaiḥ sulalitāḿ lalitāḿ namāmi






devīḿ guṇaiḥ sulalitāḿ lalitāḿ namāmi



dhūrte vrajendra-tanaye tanu suṣṭhu-vāmyaḿ

mā dakṣiṇā bhava kalańkini lāghavāya

rādhe giraḿ śṛṇu hitām iti śikṣayantīḿ

devīḿ guṇaiḥ sulalitāḿ lalitāḿ namāmi



rādhām abhi vraja-pateḥ kṛtam ātmajena

kūṭaḿ manāg api vilokya vilohitākṣīm

vāg-bhańgibhis tam acireṇa vilajjayantīḿ

devīḿ guṇaiḥ sulalitāḿ lalitāḿ namāmi



vātsalya-vṛnda-vasatiḿ paśupāla-rājñyāḥ

sakhyānuśikṣaṇa-kalāsu guruḿ sakhīnām


devīḿ guṇaiḥ sulalitāḿ lalitāḿ namāmi



yāḿ kām api vraja-kule vṛṣabhānu-jāyāḥ

prekṣya sva-pakṣa-padavīm anurudhyamānām

sadyas tad-iṣṭa-ghaṭanena kṛtārthayantīḿ

devīḿ guṇaiḥ sulalitāḿ lalitāḿ namāmi




varyāḿ viniścitavatīm akhilotsavebhyaḥ

tāḿ gokula-priya-sakhī-nikuramba-mukhyāḿ

devīḿ guṇaiḥ sulalitāḿ lalitāḿ namāmi



nandann amūni lalitā-guṇa-lālitāni

padyāni yaḥ paṭhati nirmala-dṛṣṭir aṣṭau

prītyā vikarṣati janaḿ nija-vṛnda-madhye

taḿ kīrtidā-pati-kulojjvala-kalpa-vallī



1) I offer pranama unto the haughty Sri Lalita-devi who engages in wiping away the glittering drops of perspiration from the lotus feet of Sri Radha and Madhava, who is perpetually immersed in the most elevated, intimate mellows of divine love, and who is the charming repository of qualities such as beauty, sweetness, and gravity.


2) I offer pranama unto Sri Lalita-devi whose beautiful face mocks the brilliance of the full moon, whose eyes are ever-restless like those of a startled doe, who is famous for her extraordinary expertise in the art of dressing Srimati Radhika, and who is the repository of unlimited feminine qualities.


3) I offer pranama unto Sri Lalita-devi whose limbs are adorned with a blouse as brilliantly colored as the multi-colored tail-feather of an ecstatically-dancing peacock, whose hair partition is decorated with shimmering red vermillion, who wears various necklaces and other jeweled ornaments, and whose upper body is beautifully adorned with an immensely attractive bodice. Her golden complexion defeats that of even gorocana (a bright yellow pigment employed in painting, dyeing, and tilaka) and she possesses innumerable good qualities.


4) I offer pranama unto Sri Lalita-devi, the charming treasure-house of all good qualities, who instructs Srimati Radhika in this way: "O Kalankini (unchaste one)! Radhe! Listen to my beneficial words! Vrajendra-nandana is very guileful. Don't display Your mood of gentle submission to Him; instead, in all circumstances always be contrary."


5) I offer pranama unto the abode of all good qualities, the supremely charming Sri Lalita-devi, who upon hearing Sri Krsna speak even a few crafty words to Srimati Radhika, immediately becomes furious and embarrasses Krsna by speaking sarcastic words such as, "You are so truthful and simple-hearted, and such a chaste lover!"


6) I offer pranama unto the supremely charming Sri Lalita-devi, who possesses the aggregate of divine qualities. She is the receptacle for Srimati Yasoda-devi's parental affection, the guru of all the sakhis who instructs them on the matter of friendship, and the very life of both Srimati Radhika and the younger brother of Baladeva.


7) I offer pranama unto the supremely charming Sri Lalita-devi, the treasure-house of all good qualities. Upon seeing any young maiden anywhere in Vraja and discerning that she is inclined towards her priya-sakhi Srimati  Radhika, Lalita immediately fulfils all of that maiden's internal desires and satisfies her completely.


8) I offer pranama unto Sri Lalita-devi, the embodiment of all divine virtues and the foremost of the sakhis of Gokula. Her primary task is providing enjoyment for Sri Radha-Govinda by arranging for Them to meet, and she has more longing to perform this merry task than she does to enjoy the entirety of other types of festivals.


9) If a person with a cheerful and pure heart recites this astaka in praise of Lalita-devi, who is superbly ornamented with the qualities of beauty, grace and charm, Srimati Radhika, the effulgent wish-fulfilling creeper in the family of Vrshabanu Maharaja, affectionately draws that person toward Her and adopts her among Her group of sakhis.

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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Lalita Sakhi

Lalita Sakhi is one of the eight Varistha (chief) Gopis, Ashtasakhis in Krishna’s Vraja Lila. Sakhis are the friends of Srimati Radharani. She is also considered to be the leader and controller of all sakhis. Lalita Devi was born in the village of Karhala, and later on, her father brought her to Unchagaon, which is known as the place of her pastimes.

Lalita’s age is 14 years, 8 months and 27 days. Her mother is Saradi and her father is Vishoka. Her husband Bhairava is a friend of Govardhana Malla, the husband of Chandravali.

Lalitadevi instructs and directs all the sakhis and is an expert in the tactics of union and separation in the matter of prema.

Rupa manjari (Rupa Goswami) is the assistant and follower of Lalita-sakhi; thus all who consider themselves as Rupanuga bhaktas (followers of Rupa Goswami) are ultimately the servants of Lalita Devi.

Along with Mohan (Krishna) Lalitadevi had 68 tirthas (holy places) to visit her kunda and free everyone from the reactions to six types of hatya (murder): bhrna-hatya (abortion), krimi-hatya (killing of worms and insects), go-hatya (cow slaughter), brahma-hatya (killing of brahmans), svana-hatya, atma-hatya (suicide).

Lalita Pranama Mantra

The Mantra for praising Lalita Sakhi is,

namo pataka-vighna-aghnau lalita-mohanau
subhausnapaye-ham vimoksaya kundau nira-manoharau

I offer my obeisances to Sri Lalita Kunda which is most beautiful with sparkling water, which grants liberation to the bather, which is most auspicious manifestation of Lalita Devi’s love for Sri Krishna and which destroys all the obstacles on the path of pure devotional service.

Skanda Purana

Lalita’s kunda is her liquid form. Lalita-kunda is all merciful and by coming in contact with her water, bowing down to offer prayers and remembering her, the supplicant can attain the mercy of Radha-kunda and find an eternal residence close to her.

At Unchagaon, on the hill, there is a slippery rock showing where a specific pastime was enacted in a marriage arena. There, the gopis arranged a play marriage between Lalita and Krsna.

In that pastime, Krsna was sitting beside Lalita, and the sakhis began to play mischievously. Visakha and some of the other sakhis tied Sri Lalita’s veil to Krsna’s pitambara (yellow shawl). Then suddenly, on the indication of Srimati Radhika, Rangadevi and other sakhis started to sing wedding songs, while Tungavidya and others uttered wedding mantras. The remaining sakhis showered flowers on Sri Krsna and Lalita. When Lalita noticed that something tricky was being done to her, she tried to run away; but because she was tied to Krsna’s pitambara she could not do so. All the sakhis then surrounded the couple and married them.

Even today, one can see the signs of the slide on the hill, as well as the markings of ‘alta’ (red lac) from the gopi’s feet. Although this pastime took place 5000 years ago, you can still see the signs of the pastime.

She is so beautiful that her beauty surpasses the autumnal full moon. Her specific quality is that she is very expert in applying make-up, and especially in arranging the hair decoration of Srimati Radhika. Although all the eight principal sakhis are very famous for adorning and applying the make-up of Srimati Radharani, Lalita and Visakha are the most expert. And of these two, Lalita is considered the most proficient.

Lalita is the siksa-guru of all the gopis in Radhika’s group, including Radha Herself.

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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