Sunday 16 May 2021

Lord Narasimha


Lord Narasimha


Lord Narasimha


The “Golden” Stone Pot


Upakhyane Upadesa

Instructive Stories from Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura


The  “Golden” Stone Pot

A wealthy landlord called upon a goldsmith in his village and requested him while giving him a lump of pure gold, “You are to make a nice pot for my milk with this gold. You should not make it in any way impure by mixing any kind of alloy in it.”
The goldsmith agreed, “Yes sir”, and went away with the gold-lump.

  Thus getting a lump of pure gold in his possession, the goldsmith was tempted to steal it. However, he apprehended that he would be punished by the landlord if he cheated him entirely, so he made up a plan to prepare a stone-pot and gold-plate it so that he would not be accused of stealing the gold.

  When the goldsmith took the gold-plated stone pot to  the landlord, the landlord asked him in great astonishment, “What is this thing you have brought?”
The goldsmith replied, “O sir! This is a golden pot. I have made it with hard labour.”

The landlord said,” Are you joking? This is a stone pot!”
The goldsmith told him,  “O sir, this is a ‘golden’ stone pot.


Those who consider casteism among the Vaishnavas, classifying them as brahmana-Vaishnavas, ksatriya-Vaishnavas, vaisya-Vaishnavas, sudra-Vaishnavas, or as candala-Vaishnavas, simply indulge in a speculative inference as "golden" stone pot.  Either one should be considered as `Vaishnava', or as brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, or sudra.  Either one should call it a `golden pot', or a `stone pot.'  Mango-cake (amsatva) must be prepared from mango itself, and no one can call something `mango cake' if it is made of `jackfruit' (knathaler amsatva).  Similarly, it would be wrong terminology to ascribe the quality of a sudra to a Vaishnava.  Whenever one is accepted to be a `Vaishnava', then it is confirmed that he does not belong to any mundane social classification such as brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra or low-born candala and the like, nor even Hindu or non-Hindu.  Any terminology such as `Hindu-Vaishnava' or `Yavana-Vaishnava' is utterly absurd and also offensive.

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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The Exploding Frog

There was once a frog that lived in a pond. One day, her son happened to see an elephant near a tank. The baby frog returned to it’s mother and enthusiastically told her, “Mother, today I saw a huge animal!”
The mother frog asked, “Really? How big was the animal?”
The baby frog replied, “Oh, it was much bigger than you are.”
The frog puffed up her body and asked, “This much bigger?”
The baby replied, “Oh no, much bigger.”
The mother puffed up her body more and asked, “Even this much bigger?”
Her child replied, “No, no mother, much bigger than that.”
In this way the mother frog gradually puffed up her body more and more and each time the baby-frog would continue to tell her, “much bigger, much bigger”.
Finally, while trying to puff up her body beyond limit, the frog’s belly exploded with a big bang.


The insignificant living entities who consider themselves as “para-brahma” (para = supreme, brahma = Absolute Being), or as  if nothing is equal to or greater than themselves in spite of the fact that they’re simply misconceived insignificant entities constitutionally engaged in devotional service, take a fancy to be equal in perfection with a liberated soul. They are usually destroyed like a puffed-up frog due to their false ego.

Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said :

jnani jivanmukta dasa painu kari mane /
vastutah buddhi suddha nahe krishna-bhakti vine //

mayadhisa mayavasa, isvare jive bhed /
hena jive isvara-sah kaha ta’ abhed //

prabhu kahe-visnu visnu iha na kahiva /
jivahame ‘krishna’-jnan kobhu na koriva //

sannyasi - cit-kana jiva, kirana-kana-sama /
sadoisvaryapuna krishna hoy suyopama //

jiva, isvara-tattva-kobhu nahe ‘sama’ /
jvaladagnirasi  jaiche sphulingera ‘kana’ //

jei mudha kahe, -jiva isvara hoy ‘sama’ /
sei ta’ ‘pasandi’ hoy, dande tare yama //

“There are many philosophical speculators ( jnanis) belonging to the Mayavada school who consider themselves liberated and call themselves Narayana.  However their intelligence is not purified unless they engage in Krishna’s devotional service.” (Chaitanya -charitamrita - Madhya Lila 24.29)

“The Lord is the master of the potencies, and the living entity is the servant of them. That is the difference between the Lord and the living entity.  However, you declare that the Lord and the living entities are one and the same.” (Cc - Madhya Lila 6.162)

Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu immediately exclaimed, “Vishnu! Vishnu! Do not call Me the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A jiva cannot become Krishna at any time. Do not even say such a thing!”

“A sannyasi in the renounced order is certainly part and parcel of the complete whole, just as a shining molecular particle of sunshine is part and parcel of the sun itself. Krishna is like the sun, full of six opulences, but the living entity is only a fragment of the complete whole.”

“”A living entity and the Absolute Personality of Godhead are never to be considered equal, just as a fragmental spark can never be considered the original flame.” ( Cc - Madhya Lila 18.111-113)

“A foolish person who says that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the same as the living entity is an atheist, and he becomes subject to punishment by the superintendent of death, Yamaraja.” (Cc - Madhya Lila 18.115)


By narrating this fable of the exploding frog, Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada used to instruct that it is better to be a good man than to be a big one. “I am Brahaman,” “I am siddha” , “I am Vaishnava” , “I am pandita” , “I am self - realized” - this sort of false ego is the root cause of the fallen entities’ bondage. One who is enlightened with pure devotion for Shri Hari, never conceives himself to be the lord of this material nature or the enjoyer of this material world, as a great worker, a great preacher, and the like. Such a person should realize himself as insignificant as eternal dust-particles under the feet of his spiritual master and of all the Vaishnavas. He possesses a very candid humility all the time in his heart. A living entity can never be para-brahma, just as Ravana can never be Lord Shri Ramachandra.

A Lesson on Geometry

 Upakhyane Upadesa

Instructive Stories from Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura


A Lesson on Geometry

There was once a poor widow who, through great hardship, was struggling to bring up her only son. As she realised that he was her only hope for the future, she appointed a tutor for him although she would sometimes have to borrow the money to pay for the tuition fees.

Once, after being promoted to class VII, the boy was being taught Geometry by the teacher in English. As soon as the boy read out loud, “Let ABC be a triangle”, the boy’s mother rushed into the classroom and screamed at the teacher thus : “This boy is supposed to be advancing in his studies after being raised to class VII, but you are still teaching him ABC - he learned all this when he was an infant - and to think I am paying you 10 rupees a month!  From today you are no longer required here. You are only fit for teaching a primary school if all you can teach is ABC!”

The widow’s outburst was so violent that it left no scope for the teacher to argue and he was compelled to leave the place.


The arguments put forward by persons desiring other than Krishna consciousness, along with the karmis, jnanis, yogis, ascetics and the like, including so-called religious communities, are similar to those expressed by the widow.  They say, “We have become totally worthless through serving all the time in this world”.  This sort of slave-like mentality is the root cause of all troubles. If we were to accept servitude even after entering into the domain of religion, and to serve Godhead in complete servitude even after liberation, then how will we advance? Only when we are ignorant, and conditioned under illusion, then our slave mentality is intensified. But upon liberation, the realisation “aham brahmasi” that “I am Brahman” should be developed.  Upon listening to such an argument, pure devotees will argue that devotion or service to Godhead is the eternal position of all conscious living entities. Such devotion, when cultivated through different stages of performing devotional service (sadhana bhakti), ecstatic devotion (bhava bhakti), and loving devotion (prema bhakti) , confirms verily the eternal utility of devotion itself.

Servitude to Lord Krishna while performing devotional activities is known as sadhana bhakti (performing devotion), whereas intimate servitude or service to Shri Krishna, after liberated realisation, is prema bhakti (loving devotion).  Service to Godhead in the liberated stage is irresistible service (apratihata seva).

A,B,C,D or ka-kha-ga-gha may be practised while learning the alphabet on the elementary level; then again even after becoming the topmost man of letters, one has to cultivate the variegatedness and artistic delicacy of that very alphabet.
Those who are impersonalists, speculate just like the widow as narrated in this story, advocating that A,B,C,D should only be practised by children in the elementary level and that these letters are of no use to any learned person.
It is not that servitude to Shri Krishna should be offered only during devotional performance, but it must be renewed even upon attaining perfection through liberation as service to Lord Krishna is our eternal profession. Servitude or service offered to Lord Krishna is our eternal profession. Servitude or service offered to Lord Krishna after attaining the stage of liberation is to be considered as real and the most perfect form of service. Servitude to illusion (Maya) and servitude to Lord Shri Krishna should never be considered equal.

Transcendental Pleasure


Transcendental Pleasure

















