Friday 23 July 2021

The Scorpion and the Saint


Once, a sadhu was travelling through a simple village. He spent his time chanting the names of God and thanking the Lord for everything. Along the way he came across a well and decided to drink some water.

When the sadhu bent over the well, he noticed that a scorpion had fallen in. "I must help the scorpion otherwise it will drown," thought the kind sadhu. He scooped a little palmful of water and tried to lift the scorpion onto his hand. But the scorpion stung him with his jaws and fell back again into the water. The sadhu rubbed his hand to ease the pain. Then, once again he bent over the well. He put his hand in to scoop the water and lift the scorpion out.

He tried again and again to rescue the scorpion. But the scorpion stung him each time. Each time the sadhu's hand jerked with the pain. His hand was bleeding and swollen, yet he tried again and again to save the life of the scorpion.

A man stood nearby watching. He was stunned to see all that was happening. "This ungrateful scorpion keeps on biting you and you keep on saving it. Why don't you just let it drown?" he questioned.

The kind sadhu simply smiled with mercy. "The scorpion's nature is to bite," he replied, "It cannot give up its nature. My nature is to save. I too cannot change my nature". Saying so eventually the sadhu saved the scorpion out of the water.

By developing qualities of tolerance and forgiveness we can serve others.

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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A Challenge for Bhima


During their exile, the Pandavas travelled from one holy place to another They happened  to come to Badrikashram in the Himalayan Mountains 

One day, as Draupadi was admiring the natural beauty of the place a strong wind brought a fragrant, thousand petalled lotus into her lap. She had never seen such a beautiful flower before. She approached Bhima and requested him to get more of such flowers because she wanted to present them to Yudhisthira To please Draupadi Bhima immediately set out in the direction of the fragrance.

Suddenly Bhima heard a loud pounding noise Bhima turned in that direction On the way he saw a huge mankey lying in his path. The monkey was thrashing his tail on the ground and creating a tremendous naise

Bhima was impatient. And anger was rising within him. He asked the monkey to move out of his way

The old monkey responded," am too old to move and if you are so keen to go on then jump over me."

Frustrated, Bhima said, " I cannot be disrespectful to an elderly person like you ! cannot jump over you, because God resides in your heart Otherwise I would have jumped over you as the great Hanuman did when he leapt over the ocean"

The monkey enquired, "Who is this Hanuman for whom you have so much respect? Tell me about him"

Bhima was surprised, "You are a monkey and you don't know Hanuman? He is the greatest of all monkeys and the son of Vayu, the wind god. Hence, he is my respectful elder brother. He is famous for his devotion to Lord Rama. It is he who jumped across the ocean to Lanka and performed many heroic acts".

Bhima then added with a tinge of pride, "I too, am no less in strength and prowess."

Hearing this, the monkey calmly repeated, "Please believe me when I say that I am too old to move. If my tail is obstructing your way just move it aside and go your way."

Bhima confidently approached the monkey's tail and tried to lift it with his left hand as if he was picking up just a small twig of a tree.

To his utter dismay, he could not budge the monkey's tail. Bhima angrily tried to lift the tail with both his hands then. And he failed again. Bhima's eyes rolled and his body perspired.

Bhima folded his hands, "Forgive me O great monkey. Forgive me for my pride. Kindly reveal yourself."

The monkey, with a beautiful smile, told Bhima, "I am Hanuman, the son of Vayu! Bhima was dazed. " dear brother" he said and bowed down to fall at Hanuman's feet.

Then both the brothers embraced each other. Tears of joy trickled down their eyes. Bhima was thrilled to meet his brother.

Hanuman then promised Bhima that he would reside on the flag of Arjuna's chariot. "And," predicted Hanuman,"My thunderous roar will strike fear in the enemy's side during the Kurukshetra war."

Bhima realized Hanuman had taught him a lesson in humility.

Whatever strengths and abilities we have, are gifts of the Lord. They can be taken away at any time. Therefore, we should always remain humble and never become proud.

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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Maharshi Charak


Maharshi charak is known as the Father of Ayurveda. He wrote a famous treatise called the Charak Samhita, which talks about the fine qualities that one should develop while practicing Ayurveda. He was renowned for his knowledge of Vedic scriptures as well as his expertise natural medicinal cures. People from far and wide came to study under him.

One day he was travelling along with his disciples through dense forests, farms and beautiful hills and valleys in search of medicinal herbs.

On their way, they came across a farm. Maharshi Charak's eyes fell on a beautiful flower. He stood admiring the shape of the petals, the attractive color and the sweet mild fragrance. He knew this flower was usually very difficult to find. This rare flower could be used for making some special medicines. However, because of his high moral values, he did not pluck it. He simply stood, looking at the wondrous gift of nature.

One disciple wanted to please his guru. He politely asked, "Guruji, if you grant me permission, shall I offer this flower at your service?"

Maharshi Charak replied, "My dear boy, I certainly want this beautiful flower, but if I pluck it without the permission of the owner of the farm, it will amount to robbery."

"But guruji", the disciple stammered, "it's only a flower!"

"No my son", Maharshi Charak replied, "It may seem to be a tiny insignificant flower, but God has placed it under somebody's care."

Saying this, Maharshi started walking towards the farm owner's house, which was three miles away from the farm. After seeking the owner's permission, Maharshi Charak returned to the farm and plucked the beautiful flower he wanted.

The disciples' faith in their guru deepened even more on seeing Maharishi Charak's honesty. They realized it was these high spiritual values and principles that made their guru's diagnosis and medicines so powerful and effective.

If we respect God, then we must also respect His children. Respect means not encroaching on what God has allotted to others and not hurting others. If everyone practices this virtue, this world would be a better and a happier place.

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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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Hare Krishna 🙏


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