Thursday 8 April 2021

Prasadam means favor of Krishna




Tow things for Liberation,Krishna Prasadam & Krishna Katha


Vow to Eat only Prasadam



We should be careful not to eat anything which is not offered to Krsna, prasadam. That should be determination. We cannot purchase things from the market and eat. No. That is not possible. We cannot eat. We can simply eat such things which are offered to the Deity, Krsna. That is yajna-sistasinah[Bg 3.13].

Even if we have committed some sin, by eating this prasadam we counteract it. Mucyante sarva-kilbisaih. Yajna-sista means the remnants of foodstuff after offering yajna. If one eats, then mucyante sarva-kilbisaih. Because our life is sinful, so we become, I mean to say, freed l from the sinful activities. How it is? That is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami [Bg 18.66] "If you surrender unto Me, then I'll give you protection from all sinful reaction."

So if you make it a vow that "I shall not eat anything which is not offered to Krsna," that means it is surrender. You surrender to Krsna, that "My dear Lord, I shall not eat anything which is not offered to You." That's vow. That vow is surrender. And because there is surrender, you are protected from the sinful reaction.

- From Srila Prabhupada's lecture on Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 1. May 4, 1970, Los Angeles

Hare Krishna 🙏

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Sradha Cermony on Ekadasi


Observing Ekadasi Vrata


Hearing Bhagavatam on Ekadasi


Go Back to Krishna Soon


Pray To Krishna


Forbidden to Wear Tilak

 There was once a factory in India where all the workers were Hin dus and mostly vaisnavas. The vaişnavas had freedom, there fore, to wear their vaişnava tilaka to work, and they also displayed other vaişnava paraphernalia. After some time, however, the factory went to new management and the new proprietor was a Muslim. On taking over the business, the Muslim owner declared that he would no longer allow the workers to come to work wearing vaisnava tilaka. Most of the workers obeyed, and on the given date announced by the owner, they appeared at the factory with out their tilaka. One employee, however, thought that he would take his chances and depend on Krsna, so he went to work wearing very clear, white, vaisnava tilaka.  After seeing all the workers assembled, the new Muslim proprietor said, "This one devotee who has worn vaişnava tilaka is very courageous. He may be permitted to continue wearing the tilaka to work, but all others are for bidden to wear it any more.

In this way, Prabhupada encouraged the devotees to not unnecessarily abandon the markings of a vaisnava. Where situations forbid it, Prabhupada said that it was not absolutely necessary to wear tilaka, although a devotee should at least put water tilaka on his body in the morning and consecrate his body with the names of Vishnu. But if the paraphernalia is permitted, then a devotee should not unnecessarily do away with the dress or beads of a vaisnava.

( Srila Prabhupada Nectar, chapter 3, number 6. Satsvarup Das Goswami. Gita Nagari Press. 2003.)


Hare Krishna 🙏

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Offering obeisance unto the Lord Lotus Feet


Chanting Hare Krishna


Krishna Consciousness


Purest of the Pure


Janma Karma ca me Divyam


Nitya Lila Prakasa


Lila Smaranam


Lila Smaranam